你們想學習用選擇權交易增加標普500 ETF的投資報酬率嗎?
今天我要教大家一個特殊的「滾輪投資法」讓你的S&P 500 ETF投資報酬率加倍。
S&P 500的公司市值大約占美國股票市場80%的市值,不但對大盤的走向具代表性,也是被動投資達人最好買、最好分散風險的指數。
從S&P 500指數中追蹤的公司中可以看到我們常聽到的優質公司,例如Apple、Google、Facebook、Netflix、Disney等,Tesla也在去年十二月新加入了指數中。
滾輪投資策略來自The Wheel Strategy,主要是結合購買股票和交易選擇權的一連串SOP,讓投資人能夠不只享受股票波動的獲利,在股價不動時還可以收取銷售期權的收入。
投資期權的達人都知道,賣選擇權主要是根據股價的波動定義獲利區間,如果股價漲跌大於預期,就可能會賠錢,所以滾輪投資法特別適合像是標普500 ETF這種風險分散,漲跌幅度不大的股票。
哪一個S&P 500 ETF最適合滾輪策略?
目前追蹤S&P 500最受歡迎的幾個ETF是SPY、IVV、VOO,這三個ETF追蹤標普500的準度不同、管理費也不同,所以你可能會問要怎麼挑選ETF最適合滾輪策略。
標普500 ETF | 選擇權日交易量 |
SPY | 2,272,620 |
IVV | 253 |
VOO | 111 |
如果我們參考這三個ETF單日的期權交易量,可以看到SPY的交易量遠高於其他兩個,所以我們挑選SPY為最適合交易期權的標普500 ETF。
- 在沒有持股的情況賣Cash-Secured Put option。
- 持有100股的時候賣一個Strangle (也就是賣Put加Covered Call)。
- 在持有200股的情況賣兩個Call options。
步驟一在沒有持股的情況賣Cash-Secured Put Option
當我們沒有持股的情況時,可以賣一個30天的Cash-Secured Put option。
如果SPY下跌而提前履約Put option,我們就會便宜買到100股SPY,接下來滾輪策略就走到下一個步驟。
既然你取得了100股,接下來就可以賣一個Strangle,也就是Cash-Secured Put和Covered Call的選擇權。
步驟三在持有200股的情況賣兩個Covered Call Options
現在我們擁有了200股的SPY ETF,這時就可以一次賣兩個Covered Call合約,加倍我們的Call options收入。
從SPY的歷史數據來看股價漲跌很少超越Bollinger Bands的上下限,所以在Bollinger Bands賣Put和Call是最簡單又CP值最高的。
現在SPY的Bollinger Bands上下限價格正好是376元和394元,所以我們可以用這兩個價格設定賣Put和Call的期權價格。
另一個方便的定價方式是參考選擇權神器挑選0.20 delta的Strangle價格。
Symbol | Last | Strangle details | Strangle BP | Strangle ROC |
SPY | 383.63 | C396(0.19) P361(-0.20) | 4313 | 10.5% |
根據選擇權分析神器0.20 delta的Strangle:
- 由396元的Call和361元的Put組合而成
- 如果沒有持股,需要使用4313元的購買力,有10.5%的投資報酬率
我們可以用步驟二來計算滾輪投資SPY的理想報酬率,如果我們預估SPY的波動幾乎不會超過我們參考Bollinger Bands的376元Put和394元Call價格,我們從賣期權的收入就大約是每個月1200。
長期持有SPY ETF和滾輪投資法的差異
如果長期持有SPY每年平均獲得9%的報酬,那滾輪策略可以再增加19%的期權收入,讓我們投資SPY ETF每年報酬率達到3倍以上。
交易方式 | 持有SPY ETF | 滾輪投資策略 |
最少投資 | $383 | $77,000 |
年報酬率 | 9% | 28% |
既然要靠滾輪策略長期投資,我們可以篩選股息貴族,也就是至少25年連續增加配息的績優公司,在篩選器Years of Dividend Growth 25年以上。
接下來再用Dividend Yield排序,就能得到漲股息貴族中最高殖利率的公司清單。
股票 | 收盤價 | 殖利率 | 連續利息成長年份 |
SJM | $115.05 | 3.81% | 27 |
SYY | $78.96 | 2.55% | 54 |
BDX | $225.12 | 1.84% | 52 |
MSA | $168.97 | 1.17% | 53 |
SEIC | $84.23 | 1.14% | 33 |
30天後截止的SJM 0.20 delta Strangle會獲得$212的收入,所以滾輪投資能讓我們每個月增加0.9%的收入,大約每年11%。
SJM股息 | 滾輪投資獲利 | 合併年獲利 |
3.81% | 11% | 14.81% |
Nice article Tony!
One question, comparing (benchmarking) the wheel strategy to buy and hold, do you have any insight whether the “frequency” of going through that wheel strategy amplify or kill return?
frequency meaning you set the delta threshold to have step1,2,3 happen quickly.
We find monthly expiration option contracts give the best risk/reward ratio.
So we usually sell the options that expire at least a month away.
你好 感謝你寫了這一篇文章
我有問題 如果資金不足的話 你建議用SPLG取代SPY嗎?
聽說流動性差很多 請問會有多大的影響呢?
感謝回答 另外還有一個問題
那如果有一天進入像2022年那樣的熊市時 是不是會多虧3倍呢?
Thanks for the information. Any thought on back testing this strategy selling the put in step 1 atm?
Well, we are selling ATM Put Spreads on our Bull Put Spread Screener most of the time and our winning rate is about 75%.
If you use the Wheel Strategy then the winning rate is less relevant as the “losing trades” are held to sell Covered Calls against.
After being assigned, would selling a straddle be more advantageous than selling a strangle?
That can work if you want to quickly move on to either step 1 or 3.
The straddle means you will always be assigned next, either sell the 100 shares or buy 100 more.
The premium received would be higher than a strangle though.
The figure showing “$376 Put and $394 Call is around $1200 per month” seems to have put/call with expiration of 41d. So the 1.6% return is for 41 days instead of one month. I am also trying to check the current SPY options, can’t find a way to achieve 1.6% monthly return. Did I miss anything?
You are right about the timeframe of the expiration, it’s an assumption.
The returns from selling neutral options are lower at the moment because VIX is quite low, which means the volatility is low.
Hence the premium received would be lower right now.
Do you think adding QQQ is a good idea or stick to SPY if you are mostly looking for safety?
QQQ has been working out for me with nice premiums and ability to roll quickly but spy feels a lot less volatile. However when looking at 10 year chart (Monthly), they seem to go hand in hand. What do you think?
I think the point of the Wheel Strategy is to balance less risks and more premiums from the options.
Both QQQ and SPY give you less risks than stocks.
While a slightly more volatile QQQ should give you better premiums and wider Call/Put strike prices.
It’s good to test the two ETFs then decide which gives a better balance for you.
Thanks for your reply.
So far I’m really enjoying SPY and QQQ and don’t have to worry about management, earnings etc
I have learned so far as you mentioned that qqq has better premiums but SPY is a bit more stable.
Covered strangle is working out nicely and adjusting positions up or down depending on market mood
Following your suggestion to use the upper and lower bounds of Bollinger bands for SPY, I come up with 404 and 418 as the strike prices for put and call, respectively. However, your options scanner for 0.20 delta indicates 386 and 427. Big difference! How can this be explained?
I double-checked the 0.20 delta suggestions on SPY, and it seems to fit with the trading platform’s numbers for expirations 7/21 and 6/16.
Can you confirm if the expirations you are looking at are the same?
If so, then the differences may be explained by the delay in data.
Hi, step number 1 considering SPY as underlying, at which delta do you recommend the first trade?
0.20 delta is a good starting point
Is the choice of the strike mainly delta or do you also consider other factors such as high premium, volatility, open interest, volume, earnings, or other?
The Options Scanner is quite useful in picking high return 0.20 delta Strangles to trade the Wheel with
Use the filter to find high IV stocks (>60%) that have high premium to sell options with, and sort by Strangle ROC to get the best return Strangles
When you’re in Step 1 of the Wheel, you’re selling only one cash-secured put, which means collecting only one premium. The other two steps involve collecting two premiums. Is it advisable to sell two puts in the beginning, or else one put with a strike price closer to the stock price, in order to increase the premium?
If you sell 2 cash-secured Puts in step 1, you will need to double the contracts in steps 2 and 3 later as well.
Selling a Put with a closer strike is preferable from the two choices you mentioned.
Why are you adding the theoretical pct return to the buy and hold return to come up with 28%? If you’re doing the whell strategy ur not realizing the 9% gain from buy and hold, ur in and out of the ETF, so I’m not understanding your math.
28% is a hypothetical return based on step 2, sell a Strangel while holding 100 shares:
Buying and holding the ETF, gaining 9%/year
Both short Put and short Call options expire worthless, receiving a premium of around 19%/year
So you only make 28% if both the put and call from the strangle expire worthless in all 12 months? That’s extremely unlikely to actually happen, right?
Yes and no.
It’s a general assumption.
If the Put get assigned, you get to buy stocks at a discount.
If the Call get assigned, you sold your stocks for a profit greater than the premium earned.
It’s about being profitable long term.
Hi, is there any ready etf that do all this mechanics?
Not that I know of.
第二篇是「我們不愛交易Covered Call的理由」
然而我們都知道,「滾輪」必然會使用到「covered call」,您這樣不就是自相矛盾嗎?
建議您修改一下「covered call」的標題,不要誤導那些不太懂選擇權,但信任您的人。
Covered Call雖然好上手,不過有幾個缺點讓我們不太愛交易它
Hi Tony,
I have been trying wheel strategy with paper money. At what point do we need to cut losses if the stock moves below the put strike? since we will be paying more than the spot price at assignment.
Are there any adjustments that should be considered?
Hi Vishal,
Actually, we prefer to trade wheel strategy on stocks that we want to buy and hold for the long term.
So we don’t mind buying the stocks when the spot price moves below the Put.
If we anticipate the blue-chip stock to be valuable in the long run, a temporary dip isn’t that big of a deal.
We just keep selling the Covered Call until we sell the shares for a profit.
How do we avoid the “Wash-Sale” in short cycles (monthly or weekly) when ETF keep getting assigned?
After you get assigned the undervalued shares you can sell Covered Calls with monthly expiration as the underlying moves from significantly undervalued to significantly overvalued.
When an underlying is 30-40% overvalued, you can start selling at 0.15-0.40 delta Covered Calls.
The transition of the underlying from undervalued to overvalued takes a long time and will not be at risk with the wash-sale rules.
Should your underlying be called away, you will not regret it too much because your gain from valuation has been significant.
Hi, if let’s say now we are holidng 200 shares of SPY and SPY crashed, how do we set the strike price for selling calls as we are still in capital loss?
Thanks in advance.
It depends.
If you expect SPY to bounce back quite quickly, then you can set the Call strike at the breakeven price.
If you expect SPY to stay low for a while, then maybe set the Call strike at 0.20 delta (assuming that is lower than the breakeven price), to earn a better premium.
Hi Tony, wow – not complicated but highly effective, thank you so much!
Would it be a advantage to use the weekly contracts in SPY, for example always Friday?
Hi Chris,
We prefer trading monthly options because the theta decay is more predictable, leading to higher probability trades.
We don’t trade weekly contracts because the time to expiration is too short, as that would mean trading gamma not theta.
Gamma is much more unpredictable than theta.
Also, weekly options have less premium due to less time value, so you don’t get as much income from selling options.
What if I own 500 stocks?
Sell 400 calls and one strangle?
Yes, selling 4 Covered Calls and 1 Strangle can work in your situation.
The wheel strategy does seem like a great way to increase my returns on dividend stocks
Yes, you can combine the wheel with high yield dividend stocks to improve your returns
如果卖put被assign了?被assign的股票又在持续下跌,碰到这种情况卖call的话, strike price应该设在哪个位置比较好?设太高,premium赚不了多少,设太低,那股票可能低价卖掉,造成亏损。
On what chart are you using the bollinger bands? Because it is different if you use a year chart, 5 year, or 180 days?
We use the Bollinger Bands on the daily chart
It’s an estimation of 2 standard deviation move
Shouldn’t matter too much if you use a year chart, 5 years, or 180 days
你好TONY。。。如果選擇STRIKE的时候刚刚BOLLINGERBAND是在常窄,選擇的STRIKE也非常緊貼現貨價。。。這樣不是會很危險嗎?因為Bollinger Band在收窄之後,很自然的會擴闊到很大!!!這樣的話,不是很容易輸錢嗎??
是的所以我們通常要在Bollinger bands比較短的時候賣期權收入比較高,也可以等IV縮小時靠Vega獲利
This is a great options strategy, thanks
You’re welcome
Thank you for the detailed explanation of how to use the wheel strategy to increase the returns of my SPY
Yes, the wheel strategy is a simple way to use options to increase your long term returns
Current prices for calls/puts (as of mid Oct 2021) doesn’t yield such high returns and wouldn’t bring you any where close to 1.6%.
Have the markets changed so much or am i looking at it wrong?
Market has changed a lot over the course of this year. Volatility (VIX) has come down to 16.30 as of today. During the crash last year, VIX peaked at around 80. The historical level is between 11-16. When you consider the current ROC level as not interesting for selling covered calls, it is the normal market environment and return profile that you will be confronted with going forward. You can better sell put and call spreads at the money with much higher ROC because in these cases you are selling at-the-money volatility which is the highest point of volatility of any underlying. The put and call spread scanners are great tools to find such ATM trades. It is not easy to find ATM trades with high probability of success because it is a directional trade with high rewards. I do not trade any covered calls because ROC is low and you don’t want your patiently acquired stocks to be called away and after that the stocks moves another 5% without you owning it. Covered calls is easy to comprehend for beginners as a low risk strategy but doesn’t get you anywhere.
Thank you for this great S&P 500 trading strategy, looks like a great way to accelerate the returns of my SPY long term investment strategy.
Thank you for your kind words.
Please give this S&P 500 trading strategy a try and let me know your results.
Thank you for sharing a comparison of the wheel strategy vs buy and hold
I’ll be using the wheel strategy to improve the returns of my buy and hold stocks from now on
Please give the wheel strategy a try, you’ll love it
What is the characteristics for your billing we bands
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Hi, interesting strategy. Have you the strategy backtest? If yes, what are the results?
Here is an interesting video from Tastytrade that backtested stock vs Puts, which should answer half of the equation.
Thank’s for the link.
Thank you for the tip
This sounds like a good strategy for MSFT
I definitely would like to own more MSFT stocks at a discount
You are right!
The Wheel Strategy is great for financially strong companies like MSFT and FAANG.
Hi,如文章提到的The Wheel Strategy主要是用賣期權的收入增加長期持有股票或ETF的投資報酬率
和S&P 500的ETF,例如VOO、IVV等
How about TNA and SOXL?
Hi Simon, thank you for getting in touch.
Yes, I think TNA and SOXL are also good candidates for the Wheel Strategy, since they are ETFs that tend to be less volatile than individual stocks.
Their lower prices also mean you need less capital than SPY to execute the Wheel.