Bull Put Credit Spread Screener

By comparing recent price trends with historical data, our unique algorithms can estimate when the price has bottomed out, and is ready to bounce back in force. It also calculates the ATM Bull Put Credit Spreads' return on investment, so you can find high probability bullish trends to profit from short Put Vertical Spreads.

Last updated: 2025-02-08 2:58 am

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How to Use the Bull Put Credit Spread Screener

Bull Put Spread screener helps you find high probability bullish trends in the near future, and calculates return on capital, to find profitable short Put Spreads. Here are the tips to get the most out of the bullish Credit Spread screener:

  • Upside uses fundamental analysis to find the difference between Fair Value and Last. The higher the Upside means the higher probability of the stock price going up.
  • Spread Details indicate the settings to sell an ATM Put Spread, then calculate Credit received and Return on Capital for the trade.
  • Long Signal Price shows the bottomed out price from our technical analysis. So we know the stock price will not fall below this price in the short term.
  • Long Days signal uses chart analysis to show the current price trend of the underlying. It shows the number of trading days since the last bottomed out signal. As soon as the long signal appears, there is a high probability of a bullish move.
  • Type lets us separate EQUITY from ETF.
  • Expiration indicates the expiry date of the next monthly options contracts.

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