Position Statement

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Last updated: 2025-02-08 1:10 am

Account Balance

Options Trading Portfolio

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Investment Portfolio

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How to Read the Options Trading Portfolio

Account balance shows how to manage risks by benchmarking against SPY. Here are tips for reading the data:

  • Net Liquidity is the net balance of the account.
  • Position Equity is the value of equity positions if all the options expire worthless.
  • We benchmark each open position against SPY by Beta Weighted Delta of Positions, so we can keep our portfolio neutral and manage risks against market fluctuations.
  • We calculate the Expected Daily Move of SPY by its Implied Volatility, and estimate our portfolio's Expected Daily P/L Change.

Here are the tips to reading the profit and loss of current options positions:

  • Last is the stock price of Symbol.
  • Instrument contains the details of the options Strategy: each contract equals 100 stocks, expiration date, strike price, Put or Call option.
  • Quantity is the number of contracts. A negative number is selling options, and a positive number is buying options.
  • Days to Expiration is the number of days before the options contract expires.
  • Trade Price is the opening value of the options contract. The difference between Trade Price and Mark is the profit or loss per contract.
  • We use Delta, Theta, Vega to manage risks when trading options.
  • Signal Days indicate the number of days since the last bullish/bearish signal on this trade. When this data is empty, it means the original signal is no longer valid, and it's time to exit the trade.
  • We use Unrealised ROC to see the profit and loss of current contract.
  • We can view the account's profit and loss with P/L Open and P/L Day.

How to Read the Investment Portfolio

Investment portfolio shows the quantity of stocks we hold:

  • Valuation Gain shows the profit and loss of the Total Portfolio Value.
  • Average Dividend Yield can help us estimate the Projected Annual Dividends and compare with the actual Dividends YTD.
  • P/L Day shows the profit and loss of the day.

We use the following guide to read the profit and loss of each stock position:

  • Description shows the company name of each Symbol.
  • We can use Sector, Industry and Country to diversify our trades and reduce risk.
  • Upside uses fundamental analysis to find the difference between Fair Value and Last. The higher the Upside means the higher probability of the stock price going up.
  • Total Cost of each stock investment is calculated by multiplying Trade Price with Quantity. We can compare the cost to the stock's current Market Value.
  • Portfolio shows the ratio of the stock position to the whole stock portfolio.
  • Valuation Gain shows the profit and loss of the current stock position.
  • We can reference Dividend Yield to the actual Dividends YTD.
  • P/L Day shows the profit and loss of the day.

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