best fire blogs

Top FIRE Blogs for Early Retirement Planning and Financial Success

An early retirement while living off a steady passive income is the dream of many people who feel stuck in a 9 to 5 routine every day.

There are tens of thousands of FIRE blogs in the world educating us on the paths to financial freedom. So how do we pick the best advice to follow to avoid financial pitfalls?

After spending thousands of hours browsing FIRE blogs and signing up for newsletters, we share with you the blogs we find that are most useful. Whether you are a recent graduate, a seasoned member of the workforce, or planning to retire, you can find practical advice from the list of best FIRE blogs, and work towards retiring early.

Mr Money Mustache

mr money mustache

Mr Money Mustache coined the 4% rule as the golden rule for planning a healthy retirement fund, and advocates cycling and DIY instead of the typical consumerism. By adding a passive index fund from Vanguard and rental property investment to the frugal lifestyle, Mr Money Mustache was able to retire from a software engineering job in 2005 before the age of 30 for a life of financial freedom. He can be considered the godfather of the FIRE philosophy.

Wealth of Geeks

wealth of geeks

Wealth of Geeks began in 2018 by sharing education on financial independence, then quickly expanded into a pop culture aggregator that includes geek-related tech and gaming news. You can find the best restaurant for value, games that you can play to earn an income, and side gigs that fit the young and adventurous, to help you find your unique combination of passive income.

Money Crashers

money crashers

Money Crashers is designed for readers that want to take responsibility for their own finances. The diverse experts behind the finance blog include financial journalists, consultants, accounts, realtors and entrepreneurs. The team uses scientific analysis to dissect practical tips to help you gradually take control of your finances.

Get Rich Slowly

get rich slowly

According to Get Rich Slowly, there is no shortcut to accumulating wealth. Any patient and diligent person can accumulate the right financial advice and gradually build a fortune. Whether you are deep in debt, saving for a deposit on a property, saving for your children's higher education, or looking for ways to invest in stocks safely, J. D. can help you find reliable and practical ways to invest and grow your passive income for early retirement.


20 something finance

The founder of 20SomethingFinance, G. E. realised early in his 50-60 hour week career that his spending habit was preventing him from saving, so he began a new life of frugality. Not only did he have a thrifty wedding, and sold his house to get rid of his mortgage, but he also started biking instead of driving. He saved 85% of his monthly income and created multiple passive income streams that led to his financial freedom.

Mad Fientist

mad fientist

Mad Fientist provides a scientific perspective to FIRE strategies. The blog provides unique financial management tips and tools to help readers use software tools to minimise spending and create passive income. Mad Fientist's FIRE podcast contains a great collection of interviews with the best FIRE experts around and provides the news and most practical financial advice.

Camp FIRE Finance

camp fire finance

Camp FIRE Finance is a FIRE blog aggregation service that contains a listing of different finance blogs. From restructuring debts, family finances, investing for financial freedom, you can find dedicated resources here. Camp FIRE Finance is an online resource built by FIRE enthusiasts for FIRE enthusiasts.

Inspire to FIRE

inspire to fire

Inspire to FIRE is famous for sharing practical FIRE tips. Chris can help you find the basic FIRE number that outlines the amount of retirement funds you need. Then help you find advanced investment strategies that are tax-efficient to grow passive income for retirement. The Inspire to FIRE podcast provides a fun perspective on FIRE strategies by interviewing notable FIRE experts.

The White Coat Investor

white coat investor

The White Coat Investor is designed specifically to help doctors manage money better. From articles, books, a podcast, video and online courses, James provides medical professionals and high-income earners the complete education on money management to find a shortcut to financial freedom. This blog is the only financial consultant a doctor would need.

Go Curry Cracker

go curry cracker

Go Curry Cracker will upend your perspective on the definition of high achievers. Winning is no longer measured by tertiary education, working 30 years in a good job, or huge consumer spending. Winnie and Jeremy choose to live in a simple place, travel by bike, reduce debts whenever they can, and use money management skills to reach FIRE. Winning is about taking 365 days off in a year.

Retire by 40

retire by 40

Retire by 40 documents Joe's, a former Intel software engineer's, journey to FIRE. He shares a variety of passive income streams, including crowdfunding real estate, dividend income, rental properties and blog revenue. Joe advocates a combination of a frugal lifestyle and passive income to obtain the dream of comfortable self-employment.

The Finance Buff

the finance buff

The Finance Buff records Harry and his wife's journey to retirement at 40 after working for 20 years. The blog describes the knowledge they gained through working, saving and investing. Harry believes the best knowledge is learned through execution, hence he only shares the most practical money tips that anyone can use.

Millennial Revolution

millenial revolution

Millennial Revolution was founded by two 31 year old retired software engineers, Kristy and Bryce. They teach us how to create a million-dollar wealth without buying a home or a car and start travelling the world in their 30s. Through a disciplined execution of the 4% rule and diversification, you can grow your passive income and spend your life travelling and publishing books.

Think Save Retire

think save retire

Think Save Retire are the necessary steps to financial independence. By consistently growing financial knowledge, disciplined budgeting, investing for passive income, and live within your means, you can live free from work. Not only does the blog share saving and investing tips, it also prove ideas for income-generating side jobs, and practical money management software tools to speed up your FIRE goals.

Physician on FIRE

physician on fire

Physician on FIRE is created by a retired anesthesiologist, Leif, who reached financial independence after working for 9 years, then retired early by 43. The goal of the blog is to share fun and useful financial tips to help health professionals grow wealth consistently, reduce burn out and retire early.

1500 Days to Freedom

1500 days to freedom

1500 Days to Freedom documents software engineer, Mr 1500's, journey to make $1,000,000 in 1500 days. His habit of saving started early, then he actively learned lots of money management information to help him reduce material wants and invest wisely. He grew his wealth slowly but surely, and is able to feed his family of 4 using passive income.

Our Next Life

our next life

Our Next Life started recording Tanja and Mark's journey to FIRE in 2015, leading to early retirement for the couple in 2017 at age 38 and 41 respectively. The blog teaches us how to reduce unnecessary spending, grow a passive income and create a financial plan that can lead to FIRE.

Can I Retire Yet

can i retire yet

Can I Retire Yet provides personal finance tips to anyone planning for early retirement and financial independence. Darrow and Chris provide a simple 4 step plan to FIRE: hard work, frugality, consistent investing and patience. The plan can help any hardworking person plan for financial freedom.

Steve Adcock

steve adcock

Steve Adcock and his wife worked in tech for more than 10 years before learning to save 70% of their income. The habit coupled with boring and reliable money management tips helped them retire by 35. Steve advocates a "healthy selfishness" mentality where he would put family first, before giving back to the community in their spare time. Their retirement life is filled with traveling and wine tours.

Housatonic Community College

housatonic community college

Housatonic Community College's Financial Literacy department curates the best financial planning strategies for students, including articles and YouTube series. By accumulating the best money management education, their students can succeed in school and also in financial planning.

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Early Retirement Now

early retirement now

Early Retirement Now's Karsten worked in finance for 10 years before retiring in 2018 then took his family of 3 on a trip across more than 20 countries. Karsten's extensive finance knowledge lets him easily replicate robo-investing strategies, and trade options with ease. But the most important thing is to find a sustainable withdrawal rate that can maintain a carefree FIRE life.

Financially Alert

financially alert

Financially Alert's Michael reached financial freedom and retired early at 36. His secrets to FIRE include aggressive saving, investing, entrepreneurship and real estate. Michael believes in positive thinking and life learning to help him optimise money management strategies and find new, reliable passive income ideas.



Tawcan is a blog that provides personal money management tips and records Bob's experiences in high yield dividend investing that led to FIRE by 40. Bob didn't stop working after retirement, apart from photography, book publishing, he also uses his blog to help his readers find the right finance tips to achieve FIRE.

Tread Lightly Retire Early

tread lightly retire early

The Tread Lightly Retire Early blogger Angela works as a LEED AP during the day, and uses her blog to track her progress towards financial independence. Her goal is to never work under financial pressure again. Angela provides a most environmental perspective in managing money and creating passive income.

Freedom 35 Blog

freedom 35 blog

Freedom 35 Blog aims to educate us on a different way to earn, consume and live. Life is too precious to be spent working for a promotion, but rather more productive to learn about generating passive income. Instead of spending money on expensive clothes and the latest gadgets, the same budget can be used to buy undervalued, blue-chip stocks.

Route to Retire

route to retire

Route to Retire outlines the financial knowledge Jim learned on the way to FIRE in 2018 at the age of 43. If you hate working for a living as much as Jim does, you may want to reach financial independence to retire early. The blog provides multiple interesting ways to earn passive income, which complement well with a frugal lifestyle to help you reach FIRE.

A Purple Life

a purple life

A Purple Life began in 2015 to document a 10-year retirement plan, but the blogger reached financial independence 5 years early by 2020. As long as you are willing to look at your finances from a different perspective, you can avoid home and car loans, and live without pets or kids. A Purple Life's financial management and investment tips can speed up your retirement plans.

Aussie Firebug

aussie fire bug

Aussie Firebug is an anonymous blogger sharing experiences on investing in real estate, low-cost index funds and superannuation to grow a passive income. By creating good money managing habits at a young age, anyone can replace 45 years of hard work and consumerism with 5 to 10 years of aggressive saving to replace work income with passive ones.

Mr Tako Escapes

mr tako escapes

Mr Tako Escapes shows us the way a family of 4 reached financial freedom when Mr Tako reached 38. Even though Mr Tako did not have a financial background or hold a high-income job, his saving and investing lifestyle helped him save 50% of his pay. Despite taking frequent family trips overseas, he still retired early after only working for 14 years.

Money Mow

money mow

Money Mow was created by Carl, a management consultant, who despite "working all the time" learned to manage and strategise financially. It is Carl's dream to retire from the workforce and spend more time with family and friends. He hopes to retire in 5 years at the age of 34.

The Wealthy Accountant

the wealthy accountant

Keith is The Wealthy Accountant, who owns an accounting firm that has more than 2,000 clients during its heyday. Keith uses his accounting experience of more than 30 years to help people manage money in a tax-efficient way and realise readers' FIRE dream.

Leisure Freak

leisure freak

Leisure Freak used to mean "a slacker" at work. Tommy has turned the meaning of Leisure Freak around to mean "a fanatic for retiring early and financial independence". A Leisure Freak isn't lazy, but instead focuses all his attention on FIRE through financial planning and letting go of work.

Money Flamingo

money famingo

Money Flamingo redefines the journey to FIRE. Instead of beginning the journey with 10 years of stinginess, Money Flamingo defines FIRE as a 3 stage process: full-time work to accumulate your first pot of gold, work less to enjoy life while your value investment compounds over time, and retire when the investments reach your FIRE goal.



TicTocLife documents the journey of Jenni (pharmacist) and Chris (online entrepreneur) towards financial freedom. From the choice between stocks or index funds, to buying or renting a house, TicTocLife shares practical knowledge learned from both successes and failures to help readers speed up their journey to FIRE.

Costa Rica FIRE

costa rica fire

Costa Rica FIRE is a journal about Scott and Caroline's path to financial freedom by 46. After leaving the 24/7 work culture behind, they only live for education, writing, consulting and real estate investing. Scott and Caroline split their retirement lives in New York, Florida and Costa Rica, so they never run out of foreign adventures.

Accidentally Retired

accidentally retired

Accidentally Retired's author reached financial independence through entrepreneurship. His experiences as a former work-life-balanced CEO of a $15 million company can help you manage time better through delegation. He can show you that entrepreneurship doesn't have to take a toll on your family, and you can still take vacations to maintain a balanced lifestyle and happiness. has provided consumers with the tools and knowledge they need to make financial decisions with confidence since 2013. The free and comprehensive online resource offers professional insights from experienced industry experts on a variety of financial topics.

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