(FB) Facebook Stock Price, Trends, and Trade Tips

Why Invest In Facebook Stocks?

Like Snap, Facebook is one of the world's largest social media platforms, with more than 2.8 billion monthly active users. Together with Google, Faceook is one of the top 2 advertising platforms in the world.

Through aggressive mergers of new social media and VR technologies like Instagram, Whatsapp and Oculus, Facebook continues to fortify its technological barrier and competitive edge, while expanding the advertising platform in the process.

Facebook's advertising revenue has been growing steadily since 2009, and it reached nearly $84.2 billion in 2020. Facebook is a money-making machine.

Facebook ad revenue has been steadily increasing.

Based on Trefis estimates, we can see 94.3% of Facebook's market capitalisation is advertising revenue, with a Gross Margin around 86.7%. So Facebook and other FAANG stocks like, Apple, Google, Netflix, Amazon, have outstanding competitive edge and are the corner stones of S&P 500 index.

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