telegram username

How to Setup Your Telegram Username? Get Real-Time Trade Alerts

SlashTraders just released the latest trade alert service through Telegram!

To provide the most immediate and convenient trade alert messages every time our official account receives an actual filled order, we have partnered with Telegram to deliver the trade alerts.

Since Telegram combines privacy with an intuitive user interface, it is one of the most popular instant messengers for professional traders. SlashTraders members only need to fill in the Telegram Username in the Members Area to start receiving instant trade alert texts. Members who choose not to use Telegram can continue to receive trade alerts via email.

Let's see how to set up your unique Telegram Username to start receiving the most responsive and encrypted trade alert text messages to start copy trading.

What Is the Telegram Username?

A proficient Telegram user may change the username to make it easier to add friends using @username.

How to Set Up Your Unique Telegram Username

Since all the usernames are unique, it allows software engineers to identify the account to receive trade alerts exclusive to SlashTraders members.

telegram settings
Use the hamburger menu in the top left corner of Telegram to access Settings.

You only need to open the hamburger menu in the top left corner of the Telegram app, and select Settings to set up your @username.

telegram username setup
Setup a unique username from the Settings menu.

How to Add a Telegram Username to Your Members Area

If you are a registered member, you can log into your account, and fill out the Telegram Username field in the Members Area, then save the information.

Members Area
Fill in the Telegram Username in the Members Area.

Remember to add @ in front of your username.

slashtraders trial banner

How to Add a Telegram Username When You Start Your Trial Membership

When starting a new trial, you can add your @username to the Telegram Username field.

monthly membership
Fill in the Telegram Username when you start a trial.

When Will You Start Receiving Telegram Trade Alerts?

Once the Telegram Username is saved in your member information, you will be automatically added to the SlashTraders Alerts channel in Telegram, and start receiving real-time trade alerts the next time the official SlashTraders account completes a transaction with real money.

telegram mobile trade alerts
Receive instant trade alerts from the SlashTraders Alerts channel.

Please note that if you cancel your membership, you will be removed from the SlashTraders Alerts channel and stop receiving trade alert messages.

Now you know how to create your unique Telegram Username, you can start a SlashTraders membership to receive exclusive instant trade alert messages.

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10 thoughts on “如何設定專屬Telegram使用者名稱?讓你收到即時交易通知”

  1. Ajay Chaudhari

    Tony hi, I signed up for the trial today, also registered my Telegram username with the “@” sign. So far I have not received any Telegram messages. Maybe there were no trades. Are you able to confirm that I am setup properly? Thanks.

  2. Hi Tony,
    You registered me on telegram and I had access to the group for about 2 days but it has now disappeared from my telegram account? Can you add me back please

    1. Hi Paul,
      Sorry about the mistake, there was a capitalisation difference between your actual account and the name you entered.
      We have fixed it now.
      Welcome back to the group.

  3. Nathania Tan

    Hi Tony,

    I received the email alert, but I haven’t been automatically included in the Telegram group. I already entered my username in the member area following “@“. Thanks.

    1. Can you check if you set the Settings>Privacy and Security>Groups & Channels to “Everybody”?
      If not, our software cannot add you to our channel

  4. Hi Tony,

    I have already set up my username and made payment for the first month trial. However, I don’t receive any message from telegram yet. May I know how to go about it?


    1. Hi David,

      Thank you for registering for our service.
      After looking at your account information, you may have forgotten to add “@” to the Telegram Username.
      Please confirm your Telegram Username setup in your membership to make sure the username is correct, with the “@” in the front.


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